No one has the Divine Right to Rule

Calls to extend democracy are always met with derision, writes CHRIS WILLIAMSON

WHY is it that some people who claim to be advocates of democracy, who want to spread its influence throughout the world, seem more reticent about extending it when it might affect them personally?

I thought it was only tyrants and autocrats who would argue that they should not be subjected to democratic scrutiny by the people they purport to speak for. Continue reading

Sexual health and reproductive rights at a crossroad

The untimely death of Babatunde Osotimehin, Executive Director of the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), comes at a turbulent time for sexual and reproductive health and rights. The UNFPA’s mission is to deliver “a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe, and every young person’s potential is fulfilled”. Last week, the USA rejected part of a UN resolution designed to help female victims of violence—particularly those in conflict zones, who are at increased risk of sexual assault and rape—because it included a statement that women should be given the option of a safe abortion. US representative Jason Mack told the UN Human Rights Council that President Donald Trump’s administration “does not recognise abortion as a method of family planning, nor do we support abortion in our reproductive health assistance”. It is one thing to contest the role of abortion in family planning, and another to deny that women are often unable to negotiate when or with whom they have sex or choose when and by whom they get pregnant.
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बिभाजित मनोबिज्ञान: चोक्टा खान कस्सिएकी बुढी ……….

बिगत १०३ बर्ष अघि १ अगस्तका दिन पहिलो बिश्वयुद्ध छेडियो भने १९३९ सेप्टेम्बरमा पोल्याण्डमाथि आक्रमण गरेर दोश्रो बिश्वयुद्ध शुरु गरेका थिए । अंकगणितीय हिसावले पहिलो युद्धको अन्य भएको एक सताब्दी पुरा हुन लागेको छ भने दोश्रो चाँही सत्तरी बर्ष पार गर्न लागेको छ । यी दुइ युद्धहरुले बिश्वमा कैयौं पविर्तनहरु ल्याए । अझ खास गरी यी युद्धहरुले युरोपको अनुहारमा सदाका लागि बिशेष परिर्वन ल्यायो । र अहिले सम्म पनि युरोपीयलीहरु (चाहे सत्तामा रहेका हुन् चाहे सत्ता बाहिर रहेका जनता हुन)माथी यी युद्धहरुका छापहरु प्रश्ट देखिन्छन् ।  Continue reading

Beating Back Capitalism: Hambach Forest Occupation tell their story

 FOR five years people have occupied Hambach Forest, a 12,000-year-old forest located in western Germany between Cologne and Aachen. For five years people have built and defended tree houses in order to protect the trees they are living in. For five years diggers, cops and security guards have kept coming closer. Continue reading

General election polls: Shock survey predicts massive Tory losses

YouGov seat-by-seat analysis suggests Theresa May could lose her majority on 8 June.

A new poll revealed today by YouGov has turned the general election on its head by predicting that the Conservatives will not achieve a majority.

The analysis, published by The Times, estimates that the Tories could be in line to lose up to 20 seats, with Labour gaining nearly 30. Continue reading

British PM urges to halt Terrorism

BRITISH PM Theresa May urged rich nations to halt Isis recruitment yesterday — after revelations MI5 let the Manchester bomber slip through the net.

Ms May showed no hint of irony as she told a session on counter-terrorism at the Group of Seven (G7) summit in Taormina, Sicily, that they must do more to ensure those travelling to Syria and Iraq to join Isis are brought to justice. Continue reading

आतंक: अनुत्तरित प्रश्न !

-शशी पौडेल,
संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिकाले वार अन टेरोर भनेर खाडी क्षेत्रमा युद्ध थाले यता साना वा ठुला आतंककारी हमला बिश्वका कुना कुनामा हुदै आइरहेका छन् । कहिले फ्रान्समा कहिले बेलायतमा, कहिले जर्मनीमा, कहिले बेलजियममा, कहिले अमेरिकामा कहिले कहाँ ? कही अंदा धुन्ध गाडी चलाएर त कहाँ अन्दा धुन्ध सामान ओसार पसार गर्ने ठुला गाडी मान्छेको भीड लागेको ठाँउमा गुडाएर, कही पेश्तोल ताकेर आदी आदी ।
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महाभारत नरसंहारी युद्ध तर अपूर्ण कथा

-शशी पौडेल,
महाभारत कथा र युद्धका कुराहरु अहिले पनि नेपाली र भारतीय समाजमा एउटा धार्मिक युद्धकथाका रुपमा लिइने गरेको छ । यसबारे प्रश्न उठाउने र यसबारे अनुसन्धान भए गरेको कुरा प्रकाशमा ल्याइएको कमै पाइन्छ । यस बिषयमा  मैले आजभन्दा झण्डै ३१ वर्ष अघि महाभारत कथाबारे एउटा प्रश्न उठाएको थिंए । Continue reading