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उ जस्तो बिद्द्वान र जान्ने अरु कोहि छैन भनेर अमिताभ बच्चन 'खुदा गवाह' को सुटिंग गर्न नेपाल आउँदा ईन्टरभ्यु लिन…
जसले पञ्चायती ब्यवस्थाबाट सवभन्दा बढी फाइदा लियो सूर्यबहादुर थापा त्यही सूर्य बहादुर थापाले पञ्चायती ब्यवस्था फल्दा र पछि राजा फाल्दा…
" त्यसो भए माओत्सेतुंगलाइ पनि चीन क्रान्तीका बेलामा लाखौं मान्छे मारेको भनेर उनले गरेको चीनियाँ मुक्ति आन्दोलनको बिरोध गर्न सक्छन्…
दीपक जीले यसो भन्न खोज्नु भएको रहेछ । शशीजी, लेख राम्रो लाग्यो । तर शब्द चाँही “मान्छे बाठो भए,,,,,,,, काग,,”…
सहि कुरा लेख्नु भएको छ ! जनतालाई चाहिएको शान्ति र सुरक्षा हो अनी त्यस पछिको बिकास ! पंचायतको पालामा कमसेकम…
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Category Archives: Around the World
Global journalist deaths decline

THE number of journalists killed this year has decreased while the number of those arbitrarily detained has risen yet again, according to Reporters Without Borders (RSF). A total of 49 journalists were killed in 2019, 389 are currently in prison and 57 are being held hostage, an annual worldwide round-up… Continue reading
Far-right Tory rejects campaigning for Brexit Party
Khashoggi murder exposes Trump administration’s dependency on Saudis
Does capitalism depend on credit

Credit is essential for the continuation of capitalism but also a major source of its instability, writes the MARX MEMORIAL LIBRARY WELL, the short answer is “yes, capitalism does depend on credit.” And it depends on debt, the other side of the “coin.” But the way it manifests itself is… Continue reading
Judge denies national prosecutor’s extradition warrant against Catalan leader
The Russian Revolution: An inspiration Then and Now

WHY should media, so apparently divided on key political issues, be united in viewing the October 1917 revolution in Russia as not worth celebrating? Most reasons advanced boil down to a combination of secret police, state repression, lack of individual rights, an absence of democracy and mass bloodshed. No state… Continue reading
Che’s Daughter Aleida calls for unity of the left

They had travelled to Denbigh Town Hall from as far as the Wirral, Anglesey and Aberystwyth to celebrate the Cuban revolution in music, song and verse and to hear Aleida Guevara talk about her father’s legacy and the current situation in her country. MEIC BIRTWISTLE reports. The banner on the… Continue reading
World in Brief :21.06.2017
Canberra nervous over Russia-US standoff -by James Tweedie AUSTRALIA pulled its planes from the US-led coalition yesterday after US fighters shot down a Syrian jet. Russia had earlier warned that it would treat any aircraft crossing the Euphrates river as a target and cut the conflict-avoidance hotline with US-led forces.
प्रसंग पत्रकारमाथि प्रहारः विश्वको एक दृश्टान्त

शशी पौडेल उत्तरी हाम्बर्गमा एउटा बाह्रतले घर छ । त्यो घरको पाँचौं तल्लामा नर्द डचे रुण्डफुंक (उत्तर जर्मनी टेलिभिजन) को कार्यालय छ । पाँचौं तलामा पुगेपछि लिफ्टले एउटा अटोमेटिक आवाज दिन्छ “यहाँबाट तपाइको स्वतन्त्रता छ” । लिफ्टबाट बाहिर निस्कनासाथ भित्त्तामा टाँसिएको एउटा ब्यानर देखिन्छ, त्यो ब्यानरमा लेखिएको छ “नराम्रा विषयवस्तुबाट… Continue reading